Sunday, October 19, 2008


So I'm doing the fourth picture in the fourth folder of your pictures folder thing...but I sort of cheated. The first time it wasn't even a picture that had anything interesting in it. So after counting to four in many different ways...I came up with this one!
I love this picture. It was the first day my Aunt Christine and I were in London and I was miserable. I had not slept or eaten anything on the ten hour plane ride there and I was just dehydrated and just...feeling terrible. Anyways. I believe this was taken from the National Museum of Art at sunset. Which sounds so romantic. I want to go back to Europe. Now that I've done it once, I think I could do it again with better results. Not that I didn't love it the first time. But I'd like to love it from the beginning, not partway through. I love it now that I'm thinking about it. How about more pictures that I think are artistic and pretty? Okay, you say.

So this picture was taken at Chatsworth in England. Chatsworth is the estate that they believe Jane Austen's Pemberly was based off of (Pride and Prejudice), and it's beautiful. The gardens are wonderful, and if my camera hadn't of died, I would have even better pictures, but it died. Anyways. They were having a modern art exhibit throughout the entire estate, so some really beautiful views were ruined by Chinoolie's (how however you say it) or random fake white tree things. But this one was cute. I didn't realize there was a cute little Asian couple sitting in the shot until I was home remembering! And if you zoom into the picture, there is a mother duck and her ducklings walking across the fallss...they are around where the grass starts appearing behind the tress on the left side, but you might not be able to see them.

This is from the Keira Knightley "Pride and Prejudice". It's a gorgeous statue in real life and I just love it. Talk about my awesome photography skills. There were so many beautiful statues in this wing of the house, but again, the modern art thing screwed it up by putting a wax figure of some famous woman sunbathing herself in a bikini. I totally thought she was real for a little bit. But then I realized no one could be that disfigured. So...yeah. That lady was ugly and fake.
Unlike this lady. Who is beautiful and granite...or some other really awesome stone. Would you look at the intricacy of that veil over her face? No run of the mill joe could do that Some really talented person had to. I just wish I knew him and was his friend.

Well, I had more, but I'm tired. I was driving across Utah and into Wyoming from 11 am to 10 pm today. Almost twelve hours. Sleep time my friends. I love you guys.
Oh. And I tag anyone who read this. Suckers.

Monday, October 13, 2008

College Rebellion x2...

Now I have purple in my hair...

This is too awesome.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

College Rebellion!!!

My hair is pink. That is all.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I'm addicted to Tetris. Just so you all know.
It's terrible.
But I'm freaking good.