Saturday, January 24, 2009

Recent goings on....

So, I've a new layout. It's sort of different, but I'm in a "Missing Rob" mood tonight. Why do I miss Rob? Only because I just watched the second episode of season 4.5 of the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, and I wish he could have watched it with me.
But I did watch it with my dad via text message, which was royally awesome, btw.
Battlestar Galactica is probably the best show on television. It has an *amazing* cast, compelling characters, and fantastic plots. Sometimes things don't go the way you want them (the episode previous to tonight's is the perfect example) but in the end there is always something that has made it worth watching.
My only disclaimer about the show is some of it's content. Sometimes fast-forwarding is needed because the show's target audience is un-married, relationship-less nerds who have nothing better to do than watch a somewhat immodest human-looking-cylon-robot-lady on tv.
But I love it.
When I was picking a new layout, I actually wanted a BSG one, but it doesn't exist. Which makes me sad. Maybe if I had the patience to learn HTML properly I could make it, but I don't. I think I learned about that for a total of ten minutes and then gave up. Rob disparages of me. But if anyone reading this is super good at HTML and wants to make me a BSG layout, I wouldn't complain...
By the way! The URL of my blog needs some clarification. It's "," which looks like I'm saying I'm some sort of cutesy Battlestar Galactica fan who's just adorable...which is not my intention. What I want it to mean is like "Uh! Yeah! That's right! Battlestar Galactica BABY! WHOOO!!!" I hope that makes sense. And I hope all the judging of my URL stops. Because I'm no baby....And no one puts Baby in the corner...
I just watched that movie last night. Even though Patrick Swayze isn't too attractive in the face, he has a nice body. And I wouldn't mind if he danced with me like that. Well. Maybe I would. Rob definitely would.
I love blogging my train of thought.
And now my train is telling me it's time to stop at the...port?....dock?....station! That's it. I'm tired.
By the way, cute story. I was teaching the six year olds in primary one Sunday, and upon introducing my name, a little boy named Thomas informed me that "Emily" is the name of a train on "Thomas the Tank Engine" and I got the impression that I should be honored.
And I was.
Goodnight all!
Drop in and let me know what you think of my blog! :D
Love, Emily
P.S. Some one let me know if I used "disparages" in the correct way....thanks friends! -EP

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Some sort of re-vamp...

So...I seriously hate the way my blog I've reverted to an older layout only because the other one was so ugly I couldn't even look at it long enough to blog anything. And I hate the name Hopefully this is a re-vamp of sorts. And I need a new name for this thing. Anyone...?