Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Some sort of re-vamp...

So...I seriously hate the way my blog looks...so I've reverted to an older layout only because the other one was so ugly I couldn't even look at it long enough to blog anything. And I hate the name now...so. Hopefully this is a re-vamp of sorts. And I need a new name for this thing. Anyone...?


Nobody said...

"Emily's Place of Bloggedness"

It's what I'd do....

CMN said...

Hmmm... y'know, it would be easier to suggest a title IF you BLOGGED a little more FREQUENTLY. (take that for the not-so-subtle hint it is, eh? LOL!)

So... how about...
My Bloggy Life, or
At a snail's pace, or
The Blog of Last Resort, or
If only you knew... , or
What makes the Rich & Famous envious

Well, those are my best ideas!
Now, blog already, would you?!
Love - Aunt C.

Rosie said...

how about calling it "Emmy Awards"??? cuz that would be fun!

Unknown said...

emily. i have a blog too! yes! lets be friends. only...i don't know how to follow anyone's blog... help!

Unknown said...

call it: [title of blog]

and p.s. 50 billion bonus points if you will tell me how to use this thing and follow people's blogs and change my background. i feel like severely retarded. Thank you.