Saturday, May 31, 2008

Oh my heavenly days!!!

So! Sometimes I forget I made a blog. I do so many random things on the computer, I can't even remember them all. Things like, join an online book club, or become an author on Harry Potter FanFiction site. These are the things that I do that I end up forgetting about because they go unnoticed.
Until now.
When I was passing the time with one of my favorite pass-times (corky, isn't it?) i.e. reading Katie Sue's blog, I noticed that my blog, MY small, insignificant, poorly worded, not very funny blog was on her "list of other blogs to read" list!! Which meant--holy cats!--she had read MY blog! Now, you must understand, I created a blog because Katie did. I saw her blog and I was enchanted by it. So I decided I wanted to enchant.
So I created this blog.
And Katie read it! And commented! TWICE! Which means I should write more about my life. Because Katie cares.

Okay. Things going on in my life.
Um, nothing big. You know. I only just GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL yesterday. NBD...
Okay. It's a big deal. I'm pretty happy about it. And I'm getting a checking account today, which is something I've never had before ever ever and it makes me feel like a grown up. And that is great.
I want a pink debit card...
And Robert (boyfriend, best friend, and love of my life) got his MISSION CALL on thursday!!!! It's a great story.
So we went to lunch that day--gotta love Wendy's--and he said "Hey! I'll probably get my mission call next week."
To which I replied, "Oh wow! I'm so excited!"
"But you'll be in California." said he.
And then I almost cried.
It was terrible.
So we went on with our lives. He went back to work, and I went with Bri and Elyse to Walmart to buy t-shirts. While we were leaving, I get this phone call! It was Robert! And he informed me that the mail had came a day LATE!!! Which meant!!! You guessed it!!!! Mission call time!!!! So, at eight thirty, with my ENTIRE family in tow, I made my way to Rob's house. I was really anxious to be there because LOTS of his family was there and I am the girlfriend and that could be awkward. But it wasn't! And I totally got to SIT BY HIM!!! When he opened it! I was so happy, I couldn't even tell you! And he made sure I *could* sit by him! HE didn't even sit down until I got there. I was so happy.
And then...the moment we all were waiting for...He opened it! And I didn't even peek...
SO....the call is...

Munich Germany/ Austria!!!!!

Seriously! The best call EVER!!! I was/am so excited for him! He leaves on September 10th, which isn't soon I'm not mean. The sooner he leaves, the sooner he can come back to me.
Well, after that some fun things happened, but I have to go clean my house...So....that'll have to happen sometime later...


Katie Sue said...

Blahdy Blahdy blah yay!!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited you've done this! I miss you! Really. SERIOUSLY. This weekend. You. Me. Time. I go to Uganda for like EVER and won't get to see you at all! . . so, this we fix, yes? And I do care, Em. A LOT, actually.