Sunday, June 1, 2008

Oh my heavenly days!!! Part II

This is a documentation of after Robert opened his mission call...

SO! Afterwards, Robert, Devin, Jason, Kim, Callan, Deba, Alexis, Cameron, and myself decided we'd go up in the canyon and roast marshmellows! I was pretty excited! So Rob gave me his BYU sweatshirt and his Junior Mints blanket, we went to my house super fastly, and then we drove on up to a park in the canyon! We were not alone in our idea, for I saw some other Timp kids (track kids i think) dancing around a fire listening to Backstreet boys.

We walked around, looking for a camping spot for *ages*. It honestly took forever. We found a nicely seculded spot--it's nearest neighbors had their fire dulled to embers, but we were pretty sure they were making out...-- and we settled down. Well...some of us did. Devin and Jason ran off into the darkness together...we were uncomfortable. Just as Cameron and Callan were starting to put wood in the pit, the sprinklers turned on. And we

Finally we decided on the spot next to the track kids. We had pretty good background music.

So, as they (Cameron and Callan) were starting the fire, we stood and watched. They used newspaper to start it and then added the wood. (This sounds like stupid info, but it comes into play later.) As we watched the fire burn and get blown about by the wind, Jason decided to give us some wise words. "I'm going to make an analogy." he said, "The fire is a relationship, and the wind is a mission." I felt a little guilt trip coming; Rob and I had, of course, been holding hands. "Alright," started Jason, "So if the fire or a relationship is strong, the wind or a misson will only make it burn hotter. But, if it's weak, the wind will blow it out." Of couse, the way Jason said it made it hilarious. And everyone laughed and I appreciated it a lot. I thought we were about to get called out, but he was totally being the awesome Jason Rob is always telling me about.


While we were listening to Jason, I noticed that the little pieces of burnt newspaper would fly up as miniature fiery balls of doom, and to me who was wearing shorts, this was a bad thing. So I told them to stop using newspaper. And for a while it worked. But then the wind started blowning and the newspaper went with it. The only way thought of to get the newspaper to settle down was to put it in the fire! So a large section was balled up and put in. But not for long... The next thing we new, this ball of burning FLAME was flying through the air...TOWARDS ME!!!!!!!! It was like one of those ghosts on Mario Bro.'s, but made out of fire...and huge...and chasing ME!!! It was the scariest three seconds of my life. And Rob didn't even throw himself romantically infront of me declaring "Take me instead you fiery demon of death!!!" But what do you expect? ;)

Well. I'm being kicked of the computer. One of the many downsides of the computer being in mom and dad's room. If the want to sunday nap, I have to leave.


Katie Sue said...

Jason Teng being hilarious: Good. Fiery ball of Mario death: Bad.