Monday, March 2, 2009

Some Ranting- By Me

Okay team, here is a fantastic confession. I love the state of Washington. It is basically everything I think a place to live should be. Rainy, green, and cloudy. It's weird, but I'm not the biggest fan of the sun. It's super bright and has the potential to hurt you, which isn't too great on the whole "awesome" scale. I don't tan, I only freckle. I don't enjoy being hot and sweaty, just inside with the AC on. I also love green. Which is the *exact* opposite of Rock Springs. Rock Springs is a deceiving name. You think, because it has the word "Spring" in it, it should be a beautiful oasis with lovely flowers and just pretty-ness everywhere. Well. You're very wrong. The operative word in the name is "Rock." As in "Nothing but rock" or "Gee, this place doesn't rock." I mean, school is great. The professiors are nice. The classes are very educational. But it's all missing the three "must-haves" for a good school---Location, location, location. And the weather here is odd. Lately it's been warmer than Utah, in a super-windy-blowing-snow-that-fell-last-week sort of way. When it isn't deceivingly warm, it's snowing like nobody's business. And believe me, snow + wind = misery. 'Tis no fun, my good man. Imagine living in a place where you can fall asleep to the sound of rain on the roof every night; a place where you almost never have to water your lawn to get a beautiful emerald green color because Mother Nature does it for you. In all honesty, friends, I have only ever been to Washington once, but I loved it. It was probably one of the most relaxing places I've ever been to in my entire life

I hope you've enjoyed my ranting and raving. I certainly have. Here-enjoy more pictures.


Emily said...

um...the thing wouldn't let me post pictures. But they are pretty. trust me.

CMN said...

Uh, WHEN were you in the state of Washington??

I am currently in the state of Minnesota.

Emily said...

I went for choir tour last year.
Best tour ever. :D

Katie Sue said...

So I've always been big on the commenting. BIG. HUMONGANTUOUS, I daresay. I haven't done so on anyone's blog in weeks, possibly months. VERY out of character. Is being rectified now. I love your blog. I do read; I've just lacked on the commentation. But ah the thoughts of Emzilies Peterzsonzles and how very dull my life would be without them. In summary, I like you. The end.