Saturday, July 19, 2008

I got tagged...D:

Eight things I'm passionate about:
1-Rob...does he count? Is that scandalous?
6-John and Kate + 8
7-Battlestar Galactica
8-Babies :D

Eight songs I could listen to over and over and never get sick of:
1-So Close from Enchanted
2-Complainte De La Butte-From Moulin Rouge
3-Breaking of the Fellowship- From Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
4-Into the West- Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
5-Vienna-Billy Joel
6-Goodbye Waves and Driveways-The Rocket Summer
7-Under Pressure-David Bowie and Queen
8-Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy-Queen

The past eight books I've read:
1-Anne of Ingleside-L. M. Montgomery
2-Anne's House of Dreams-L. M. Montgomery
3-Anne of Windy Poplars-L. M. Montgomery
4-Anne of the Island-L. M. Montgomery
5-Anne of Avonlea-L. M. Montgomery
6-Anne of Green Gables-L. M. Montgomery
7-The Book of Mormon-Another Testament of Jesus Christ
8-Princess in Waiting-Meg Cabot

Eight things I say often:
1-Oh-em-gee. "insert something"
2-I love you
3-Oh my heavenly days!
4-What the?
6-Dude...(much to Rob's dismay)
7-Where's the Coke?
8-I'm hungry.

*I realized as I posted this and walked away that there are two things that I say that I forgot about...them being "Olm Olm Olm Olm" and "Mo mo mo mo." Probably the most used phrases ever in my life. The first is a language only Rob gets and one he helped create, the second is my baby noise. "Ohhh mo mo mo"...Like that*

Eight things that attract me to a friend:
1-They think I'm funny
2-I think they're funny
3-Good standards
4-Nice to people
5-Interesting conversations
6-Good taste in movies
8-Love of Coke

Eight random things about me:
1-I like unpacking boxes after moving
2-I talk to myself
3-Massages tickle me. A lot. I almost don't like them.
4-I am writing a Harry Potter Fan Fiction. I know. Nerd.
5-I don't like the attention I get on my birthday.
6-I LOVE the TLC show Jon and Kate+8...SO amazing
7-I was not raised by bees. Unlike Bernard.
8-I thought the Joker was attractive in "The Dark Knight." Rob judges me.

Eight things I want to do before I die:
1-Marry in the temple
2-Have eight children
3-Live in New York
4- Live in Seattle/Washington
5-Audtion for a Broadway show
6-Meet the Gosslins...I will cry the day this happens.
7-Go back to England
8-Own a home

Um...There was another one....but I didn't think of eight should do this!


Anonymous said...

"Complainte De La Butte" - Funny name... translation: "Complaint of the Butt". You and your crazy songs.

And you secretely want to go back to England?! How come I never knew this?

I feel hurt!

Anonymous said...

This is Robert, by the way...

Emily said...

lol...I know honey...who else would be 2awesome4apossum? No one could obtain that level of greatness but you!

Thanks for commenting...:D

olm olm olm...

Kate Karns said...

Emily I am so proud that you did my tag. It was fun to read. I love ya girl. Oh and by the was the answer to the Rob question is yes. BYEEEEEEE. Kate