Friday, August 8, 2008

Burning city of FIRE!!! And God bless it.

Okay. St. George isn't currently burning and on fire. But this one time I was here, it was. There was a circle of burning wildfires all around the valley. And do you know why? Because it was so freaking hot. Like, seriously. The bushes and shrubs couldn't take it, so they just burst into flames. This is no laughing matter friends. It's hot. Outside that is. Everywhere else it's freezing! Every store has the AC up to full blast. We went to Iron Man this afternoon-awesome by the way-and I was freezing.

Can I just say how much I love the Olympics. Watching good, hardworking, American athletes representing our country to the world just makes me so proud to live in this wonderful, God-blessed country! As Rob pointed out on Tuesday, we are so lucky to be born here. Especially as members of the church. To be *born* LDS is an amazing thing, but to be born LDS in America is even more amazing. The freedoms and liberties we enjoy here can hardly be recognized by us, but those who look at us from other parts of the world can fully appreciate it.

Talking about America makes me think of politics. Which makes me thing of the Presidental race. Which makes me want to make a poll. Look for it on the sidebar. over there =>>>>

P.S. Leave your opinions and comments on the poll in comments on this post! I'm *VERY* interested.


Kate Karns said...

I so glad you had fun in St. George Emily. Personally I am really confused what to do about the whole voting thing. I think I need to look into Macain a little more before I make my descision. But if worse comes to worse I just write in Mr. Saxton. ;)

The Nielsens said...

Did you say St. George was on fire??? We totally know what you are talking about...this place is also freaking hot!! We also see a lot of wildfires and it is sooo sad... Sometimes you just don't want to get out of the house, and it is frustating 'cause it is summer out there...
love ya:0)

Katie Sue said...

Ha--your P.S. is funny since I wanted to leave a comment anyway! I think the "write-in" people are kidding themselves. They're just those that don't know anything about politics, or don't care, or both. It may be harsh, but it's my theory. Also, Rob has made you more patriotic. It's cute. I'm not questioning your patriotism pre-Rob, but I find it hard to say he hasn't maybe had a small impact? :) But I like your blog. Keep it up. Loves!