Wednesday, August 27, 2008

College at this point.

Hello from college everyone!!! Rock Springs is still a windy, rocky, barren, land of nothing. But I'm here now. So it's a windy, rocky, barren, land of me. Which isn't an improvement. So far college is a lot like high school. We started off orientation day with an assembly. It was just the incoming freshmen and new students, so we all fit into the theater. It was like every other assembly I'd ever seen. With student government skits and everything. They were sort of like "Here is college and here is what we want to tell you" skits. Which in high school is like "the bathrooms are here" and "don't worry, you *will* make friends." But in college it's like "Avoid date rape" and "Don't get an STD!" It was really...special. After that was done, we disperssed.We went to different classrooms depending on whatever color a sticker on your bag was. Mine was orange. So I went to the orange room. And there were two teachers in there. And they talked. Which was like high school when the counseling office comes into your english class and asks you what you want to do with your life and then they tell you what their 'hopes and dreams' for you are and you play stupid games. Yeah. We even played that game where they stick a famous person's name on your back and you have to ask questions to figure out who you are. I was Johnny Depp. I know. Awesome. Sort of. We played games from ten twenty till twelve twenty. It was a little to much inspirational modivation for me. I started tuning them out. Hmmm...i'm tired...and it's midnight. And I have class at eight. And!


David and Taryn said...

Yay college! I'm glad you made it there safe. It's sounds like they go a little over the top with the motivating! That will stop soon I'm sure! Do you like your roommate? Hope you're having fun.

Rosie said...

Emily!!!! college'll have lots of fun, i'm sure. What are your auditions for? oh, and one more thing, I'M GOING TO CEDAR CITY!!! thanks so much for your audition advice!!! i'm gonna miss you. Don't die in college and you'll live through it. remember, a smile a day keeps the illness away! luv ya!

The Nielsens said...

We wish you the best! Good luck with everything! We know that you are going to love college and have lots of fun. Love ya :0)

Katie Sue said...

Emzies!!! I miss you. Bad. Really bad. Super bad. (haha, but not like the movie!) Totally bad. It is intense. Like even so much that the picture Ang sent me is my phone background and every time I open my phone I have a moment of, "Mah!!! They're together and I'm . . . not!" That's all.

David and Taryn said...

Sniffle sniffle, my little Emily is all grown up. I am glad to see you posted again, its amusing to read. Keep us up to date, love you.


Katie Sue said...

So, I totally comment on your blog all the time and you never blog on mine! Heart. Mine. Crushing! Can you hear it? Oh no, you wouldn't be able to because you're too busy NOT commenting on my blog. Em, you don't understand, I LIVE for blog comments. That's all. :)